Partners & Sponsors
Partners & Sponsors
Evrofinance Mosnarbank Joint Stock Company
The JSC Evrofinance Mosnarbak is a successor of traditions founded at the beginning of the last century.The Moscow Narodny Bank - largest private (cooperative) bank was established in Russia in 1911. Its London branch, Moscow Narodny Bank Limited, was re-organized into fully-fledged bank incorporated under the English Law in 1919. In 2003 the wholly-owned Russian subsidiary of Moscow Narodny Bank, CB Mosnarbank, merged with Bank Evrofinance creating the present day Evrofinance Mosnarbank.
Over a period of several years the Bank has been one of the largest Russian depository institutions in terms of net assets size and own capital size as well as one of leading banks in terms of profitability and reliability. In 2001 according to a report of the international rating agency Standard&Poor’s, Evrofinance became the most profitable bank among the hundred bank institutions of Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2005 the British business magazine The Banker has included Evrofinance Mosnarbank in Top 1000 World Banks. In 2007 the magazine EUROMONEY recognized the Bank as a leading Bank in Corporate Governance in Central and Eastern Europe.
PricewaterhouseCoopers provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its clients and their stakeholders.
More than 154,000 people in 153 countries work collaboratively using connected thinking to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice.
PricewaterhouseCoopers first appeared in Russia in 1913 and re-established its presence here in 1989. Since then, PricewaterhouseCoopers has grown to become the largest professional services provider in Russia.
According to the annual rating prepared by the independent rating agency Expert RA, published in Expert magazine, PricewaterhouseCoopers is the largest auditor, tax and legal advisor in Russia (see Expert, 2000-2008).
“PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a
separate and independent legal entity.
Cities Globally United
“Cities Globally United” is a non-profit partnership of a science, business, the expert community, created with the purposes for Russian cities and territories development assistance. The main activity of the Partnership shall include the following: investigation of wide spectrum of problems of cities; development of strategies of social and economic development of individual territories; investigation and dissemination of advanced experience of development of work cities; administrative and investment consulting; - information and educational programs for municipal and civil officials, mass media and inhabitants.
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Communication Group «PRESS HALL»
Communication group "PRESS HALL" was created in December 2007 with the aim of improving interaction between Russian and foreign media communities with the authorities, enhancing transparency in society and promoting promising and innovative media projects. Moreover, among the priorities of the company’s affairs are the issues of self-regulation in the field of information and communication.
Russian Economic Developers Association (ASSET)
Ассоциация специалистов по экономическому развитию территорий (АССЭТ) объединяет на основе индивидуального членства практических работников, занятых в области содействия экономическому развитию городов и регионов. Основной целью Ассоциации является содействие социально-экономическому развитию российских регионов через формирование сообщества высокопрофессиональных специалистов по экономическому развитию территорий. В ее задачи входит формирование профессиональных стандартов в области содействия экономическому развитию территорий, внедрение процесса стратегического планирования в регионах и органах местного самоуправления, сертификация специалистов по экономическому развитию территорий; защита законных прав и интересов членов Ассоциации. Ассоциация также оказывает консультационные услуги, проводит семинары и тренинги, осуществляет экспертизу документов планирования.
The Centre of Social-Conservative Policy (CSCP)
The Centre of Social-Conservative Policy (CSCP) commenced its work in Russia in January, 2005 as a crisis-proof Centre for the position development for the party of a parliamentary majority on the key issues of the social-economic development of the country. The best practices of the Centre underlay in the election programme of the party «United Russia». CSCP has become one of the most influential intellectual Centres of the country.
Principles of the social and economic objectives noncontradiction, implementation of the reforms, based on the traditional for the Russian society values, inadmissibility of any extremism demonstration are the basis of the social-conservative idea, being implemented by the Centre.
The subdivisions of CSCP work in the majority of the Russian regions, the representative offices of CSCP are available in Europe (Berlin) and in Asia (Singapore).
VESTI Television Channel
VESTI Television Channel is the first and only Russian information TV channel broadcasting 24 hours a day¸ 7 days a week. It keeps its viewers abreast of world, national and regional news, provides economic analysis and in-depth interviews with leading politicians, public figures and experts. The channel’s trademark is live coverage of such significant events as international summits, economic forums, spacecraft launches etc. VESTI TV channel is broadcast via NTV+, Hot Bird and Direct TV satellite platforms as well as via air frequencies and cable networks of Russia’s 85 regions. According to Gallup estimates, as of today, VESTI’s daily audience in Russia alone is about 50 million.
VESTI FM Radio Station went on air on February 5th , 2008. The bulk of its programming is based on exclusive information provided by All-Russia Broadcasting Company’s correspondents around the world. The station does not air newscasts in the strict sense of the word: in a non-stop dialogue mode, a host, together with his guests and colleagues in the studio, discuss the latest news in politics, economy and sports in Russia and abroad.
VESTI TV Channel and VESTI FM Radio Station put a special emphasis on economic information. It is provided to them and constantly updated by the specially created All-Russia Broadcasting Company’s Unified Economic Center.
VESTI.RU WEBSITE is the All-Russia Broadcasting Company’s main Internet project. In 2007 it fully developed its multimedia capabilities. The site’s new version presents the most burning and entertaining newsreels of ROSSIA and VESTI channels, as well as regional state broadcasting companies. The websites also allows its viewers to follow live VESTI TV and VESTI FM newscasts. Its daily audience exceeds 130 thousand users.
Interfax Information Services Group
Interfax Information Services Group provides news and other information products that are essential for decision-makers in politics and business.
Since early 1990s, Interfax has been the main provider of up-to-date news from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union. We are the most frequently quoted source of information on the region.
Over the past few years, Interfax has also become a leading provider of political and business news from China and emerging markets of Central Europe.
Rossiiskaya Gazeta" (Russian Gazette)
Rossiiskaya Gazeta" (Russian Gazette) is published by the new Russian state. It was founded by the Government of the Russian Federation, and its first issue appeared on 11 November 1990. On the one hand, "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" enjoys official status, because acts of state come into effect upon their publication there. On the other hand, "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" is intended for the general reader, embracing everything from daily news, special reports and interviews of government officials to expert commentaries on documents of state. Our circulation exceeds 400,000. According to the polls, most of our readers are even -tempered adults inclined to conservative views.
"Rossiiskaya Gazeta" has 38 offices in Russia and abroad. It is printed in 31 Russian cities. Regular issues are provided with regional supplements and special features. We also publish series of books containing acts of state and relevant commentaries. The General Director of "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" is Alexander Gorbenko, and its Chief Editor is Vladislav Fronin. Our newspaper was officially registered on 1 November 1990 and secondly on 28 September 1993 by the Ministry of the Press and Information of the Russian Federation (No. 302).
Documents of state published in our newspaper include federal constitutional laws, federal laws and codes, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations issued by the ministries and departments (orders, instructions, statutes etc.).
We also publish the acts of the Federal Assembly (Parliament) of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Constitutional Court and other documents.
Our right to publish official documents is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation N 5-FZ, dated 14 June 1994 and entitled "On the Procedure of Publication and Enactment of Federal Constitutional Laws, Federal Laws and Acts of the Houses of the Federal Assembly", by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, dated 23 May 1996 N 763, "On the Procedure of Publication and Enactment of the Acts of the President of the Russian Federation, of the Government of the Russian Federation, and Statutory Legal Acts of the Federal Executive Authorities", as well as that dated 13 August 1998 N 963, "On Adoption of Amendments to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23 May 1996 N 763, "On the Procedure of Publication and Enactment of the Acts of the President of the Russian Federation, of the Government of the Russian Federation, and Statutory Legal Acts of the Federal Executive Authorities".
Article 4 of the Law on the Procedure of Publication of Laws and Acts runs, "The official promulgation of the Federal Constitutional Law, Federal Law and acts of the Houses of the Federal Assembly is considered as the first publication of their complete texts in "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" or in the "Code of Laws of the Russian Federation". Thus, the issue of "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" which contains the published text of an act of state becomes an official document itself. "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" is printed in the following cities: Archangel, Bishkek, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Mineralnyye Vody, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Penza, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Samara, Saratov, Tiumen, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Cheboksary, Cheliabinsk and Yaroslavl.
Our permanent offices are located in the following Russian cities: Briansk, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Kazan, Krasnodar, Kursk, Magadan, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Salekhard, Samara, St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Penza, Perm, Tambov, Tver, Tula, Ulyanovsk and Yaroslavl.
We have permanent offices in the following cities of the CIS: Alma-Ata, Kishinev, Lvov, Minsk, Kiev and Tashkent. Our permanent offices are also based in Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Vienna, Geneva, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Madrid and London.
Magazine «Budget»
The editorial staff of the economic magazine «Budget» works in close contact with the Ministry of Finance and regional authority. The magazine «Budget» is the official publication of the Treasury of Russia.
The magazine «Budget» is a professional edition for financiers, including workers of the Treasury, the Russian financial supervision, the accounts chamber, fiscal services and others. 12 thousand copies of the magazine are circulated all over Russia.
Besides state authorities the leading world companies such as – SAP, Microsoft, Accenture, Deloitte & Touche, Standart & Poor’s, Price Waterhouse Coopers and many others cooperate with us. Some domestic software companies, recognized leaders in providing business solutions for budgetary structures such as Parus, Crista, Intalev, 1C, Garant, CIFT, Fintech and others are our partners.
In general IT-companies cover the business solutions in the field of automation of budgetary process, administration process in official bodies, protection of the information or they represent technology for participation in tenders and purchases.
We have a positive experience in working with some advertisers and partners, the majority cooperates with us on a regular basis.
We are sure, that in the person of our readers you will find a target audience for presentation of solutions and technology for state structures.
We believe, that our cooperation can be constructed on partner and confidential relations.
Magazine Itogi
Itogi is a most influential weekly news magazine on the social and political life in Russia. The magazine offers a competent analysis of topical issues in political, economic and social life, latest exclusive materials and interviews, news in Arts and Culture, unique photo-reports.
The Magazine Itogi takes up the leading positions in the rating of social and political weekly news magazines. It has been published since May, 1996. Its circulation reaches 87 000.
The Magazine is distinguished by high quality of polygraphy and high level of design. In the Interfoto contest The Best Photo of The Year the Weekly News Magazine Itogi was pronounced the winner of the Best Presentation of Photos category.
Securities Market Magazine
Russian financial market No1 professional magazine. The magazine appears twice a month since 1992. It is a source of information for those who are involved in financial management both at federal and regional levels, or in the companies. The articles published cover practically all the problems of the Russian capital market: the analysis and the forecast of a situation on the main segments of the financial and stock markets, technologies and tools to work on financial markets, the legislation under securities, industries and overall economic surveys, strategic methods how to attract the investment, techniques of assets and risk management.
Moscow Echo Radio Station
Moscow Echo Radio Station in St. Petersburg broadcasts at 91.5 FM diapason.
We provide direct and precise information about political, financial, cultural and sporting events.
According to the sociological research, carried out by COMCON-Media, Moscow Echo in St. Petersburg is a leading commercial news radio station, preferred by the audiences of over 30 years of age with higher education, and holding top managerial or other leading positions in their companies.
Target audiences: successful entrepreneurs, top and mid-level managers,
energetic members of intelligenzia
Forum Organizers